
Package-wide config options

default_suffix: str, defaults to .hdf

Default suffix to use for saveing hdf files.

use_lazy: bool, defaults to True

Default setting for lazyness on loading.

default_compression: tuple, defaults to (True, 5)

Default setting for gzip compression. First element is yes or no, second is level of compression. See h5py docs for more details.

allow_fallback_open: bool, defaults to True

If an item is unwrapped from a closed file (e.g. when holding many files open in long list comprehension), this allows a quick reopen and getting of a specified item. This can substantially slow down data handling, increase memory load and lead to access errors on files open by other applications.

allow_overwrite: bool, defaults to False

If set to True, files will be overwritten if existing without warning. On default value of False the file mode will be a which is safe but can lead to exceptions if datasets already exist.

squeeze_single: bool, defaults to False

If set to True, unpacked data containing a single key will be unpacked. This can lead to issues with single key dicts containing sub dicts, thus the default is the safer version (False)

max_tree_children: int, defaults to 30

Maximum number of children in a group for the tree view to keep recursing. This can help to reduce tree size with very large files.