
While there are many ways to store different data types, many of them have their drawbacks. hdf is a common way to store large arrays. Sometimes it can be practical to store arrays with additional (pythonic) data in a single file. While hdf attributes can support some types, many exception exists especially with python types.

This is a small implementation of recursive dict support for python to write and read hdf-files with many different pythonic data types. Almost all types implemented in default python and numpy should be supported, even in nested structures. The resulting files work in hdfview and panoply with some small drawbacks.

A major convenience is the ability to store iterables like lists and tuples, even in nested form. Mixed types are also supported.

Conversion, obscuration or changes to the saved types are kept at the bare minimum. So if, for any reasons, the files have to be used without itsh5py, all the data will be accessible with just a little added inconvenience.