
itsh5py is available on PyPI and can be readily installed via

pip install itsh5py

Run pip uninstall itsh5py in order to remove the package from your system.

To work, this requires some additional packages. Obviously, h5py is used for data storage. numpy is used for array handling. DataFrames are also supported using pandas. Finally, for serialization of difficult data types, yaml is used via pyyaml.

All the source packages above are available on PyPI for all common OS.

Limitations and warning#

Some limitation still exist:

  • While most of the core data types should be implemented, there is arbitrary complexity especially with nested iterables. Most likely there are still some cases and types which are not supported and may fail with different levels of grace. Since this package will most likely be used for data storage please always consider checking if your type is saved and loaded correctly. If in doubt, always open the file with h5py.File() and check. Feel free to report missing or buggy data types and they will be implemented if possible.

  • numpy object arrays are not supported.

  • Keys of the dictionary which will be saved should only be strings to avoid any ambiguity. Any other types are not tested and most likely will fail.

  • Lazy slicing of arrays is not supported (yet).

  • Long tuples and mixed type lists will be saved element-wise and thus be slow. This is recognizable starting at approx. 100 elements.

  • Path object are supported as single datasets or as list or tuple iterables - however only non nested type.

  • Closing a LazyHdfDict will close the file reference - even if another LazyHdfDict accesses the same file (which should not happen too often).